Club Information
We are an organization dedicated to protecting the best interests of the Bernese Mountain Dog. Initially the club was Beloit Berner People while they formed and decided on name. Club was founded in April of 1977 as Bernese Mountain Dog Club of Menomonee Valley. In 1982 the club was renamed the Bernese Mountain Dog Club of Southeastern Wisconsin. We were licensed by the AKC in 2002 as a regional Bernese Mountain Dog club. BMDCSEW is also recognized by the Bernese Mountain Dog Club of America.
In November of 1991 a logo drawn by Mary Garbe, a club member, was selected by the membership to represent our club. In 2012 that logo was updated, repositioning the dogs, updating type and removing Northern Illinois from the map in background of the logo after Northern Illinois formed their own regional club.
Our membership includes people who are involved in breeding, showing and all areas of training, as well as those whose Berners are cherished family members. As stated in our Constitution, the BMDCSEW conducts matches and specialty shows according to American Kennel Club rules.
BMD Health Research
The BMDCSEW actively supports research and data collection efforts toward the goal of eliminating several serious health problems that afflict the Bernese Mountain Dogs (BMD). The Berner-Garde Foundation is a nonprofit tax exempt foundation, to further develop the data base through continuing data collection, verification and dissemination to breeders and researchers. We encourage all club members, both breeder and owners, to submit data on their dogs. Information on their “Just Freeze It” program can be found on the BernerGarde tab.
The BMDCSEW encourages its members to have all dogs, including non-breeding animals, evaluated for genetic ailments. Hip and elbow dysplasia are evaluated by the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA).
Help for New Bernese Owners
If you are dealing with a problem situation with your dog - whether related to health, behavior or training - we suggest you first contact your breeder about the problem. In addition, the BMDCSEW has experienced people who can advise you and refer you to training classes in your area. Contact any officer or committee chair for assistance.