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BMDCSEW Club Contribution Policy

The BMDSEW has been a supporter of local and national programs promoting the health, safety, welling being, and future of our breed. Donations have ranged from national organizations within the breed as well as support for organizations conducting health research and testing of breed specific health issues. Rescue work, while not a large project at the moment, could grow over time. Because the requests are so great, guidelines have been suggested in order to assist as many organizations as possible.


The Club acknowledges that any excess funds available for distribution are a result of the events sponsored by the Club in support of the breed. It is, therefore, fitting that these excess funds be allocated to causes and organizations that support our breed. Annually, the Board of Directors will budget for the allocation of funds to this process, without jeopardizing the financial health of the Club to meet in future obligations.


The Club also acknowledges that this policy is specific in nature and limiting to a degree the type of organizations who might qualify for grants/gifts. It is intended to apply to grants/gifts $500.00 and over.  On occasion, requests under $500, not meeting criterion of this policy, may be considered by the Board.


Policy Objectives

  • Creation of an Outreach Committee of the Club to review and recommend projects and organizations worthy of support consistent with the Clubs Donation Policy. The Committee is appointed by the Board of Directors annually and will serve a one year term.

  • To establish an annual calendar for the processing of all donation requests.

  • To provide clear guidance on the criteria by which donation applications will be assessed and allocations determined.

  • Secure an open and transparent decision-making process for requests for donations from the Club

  • Provide an accessible and equitable process for groups and organizations seeking donations from Club.

  • To enhance Club's appreciation and understanding of organizations benefitting the Bernese Mountain Dog.


Donation Philosophy: Improving the quality of life for BMDs

The BMDCSEW is aware of the key role that it plays in developing and improving the quality of our breed's life, and therefore allocates human and financial resources to honor this commitment. The BMDCSEW believes that by becoming a party to, and a partner in, the development and care of the breed, it can really make a difference. BMDCSEW further supports science and education as the driver of its future success of maintaining a healthy and sound breed. Emphasis is placed on funding of academic research, enhancing club member understanding of the impact and promise of cutting edge science and projects. BMDCSEW will consider applications for support from organizations that meet its philanthropic objectives.


In addition, this policy recognizes the ongoing need to support its rescue efforts. The allocation of excess funds to the Club's Rescue Committee, as determined by the Board, will be considered equally with other requests. It is the Club's stated objective to maintain an adequately funded Rescue Project.


The areas we support:

Monetary donations and sponsorship requests will only be considered if the organization is a 501c (3) non-profit organization and provides us with their tax ID number. In addition to making financial contributions, BMDCSEW grants donations in kind. This type of donation is supported by the Club, as is time volunteered by Club members.

The contribution must be used to raise funds for the benefit of at least one of the following purposes:

  1. Health, education and research beneficial to the BMD.

  2. Rescue Work of the BMDCSEW and other BMD clubs.

  3. BMDCA Junior Showmanship Activities


Other Criteria

Priority will be given to organizations that foster growth and development within the Breed. BMDCSEW does not consider donation requests for the following:

  • Requests from individuals

  • Religious groups

  • Political parties, candidates or causes

  • Incomplete applications


Application procedures

Organizations requesting a donation from our Donations Committee must complete the official application form which can be downloaded from the Club's Web site

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